Crane Corvette supply: click here: Catalog order form --print and fax it !! Contact Information: E- mail: Sales: corvette4u@aol.com NEW PHONES: ORDER LINE::: PH: 800-597-4132 FRAMEWORLD = toll free: 888-427-8388 FAX: 858-514-8398
scroll down. CATALOG LISTING: go to index: G thru Z CLICK AND GO -BELOW Air Cleaners Accelerator linkageBody lift kit Bumpers & Mounting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Postal/shipping address: Crane's Corvettes 4687 Chateau place San Diego, Ca. 92117 Contact Information: E- mail: Sales: corvette4u@aol.com NEW PHONES: ORDER LINE::: PH: 800-597-4132 FRAMEWORLD = toll free: 888-427-8388 FAX:: 858-514-8398 BIG BLOCK--TOLL FREE: 888-427-VETT USED PARTS toll free: (858) 514-8388 INTERNATIONAL: (858) 514-8389
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