1968-82 - WINDSHIELD FRAMES --RUSTFREE OFF SO. CALIFORNIA CARS WITH REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS. range $325- $425 depending on how much u need. U get - an assembled original-includes: both sides - corners and the top across with 4 inches of the t-bar going back all for $425 -- alot easier to install a nice orig'l like this than piecing one together. CALL..800-597-4132. wiper doors and wiper door actuators:
SALE: $179 FOR NEW ACTUATORS PART # PRICE CAN-68 $179 1968 EARLY 1/4--20 THREADED ROD CAN-69 $179 1968L--1969 5/16-20 THREADED ROD. CAN-70 $179 1970-72 ACTUATOR 2-PIE PAN TYPE CAN-71-72 $179 1971-72 ACTUATOR 2-PIE PAN TYPE-W/CURVED FITTING.
WE HAVE (24) 1956-82 PARTS/PROJECT CARS !! see headlights at bottom of this page above 1967 front clip - perfect original never wrecked with headlight assemblies and motors, grill all clips, brackets, harness, core spt etc. -$6,900 ---- extremely rare and much better than any repro.
HEADLIGHTS $2,600---- sold -- Have a 1975-79 front clip $1,000 w/out headlights. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Below 1968-69 Rear clip - Never hit , no damage , perfect, cut in front of shifter hole. SOLD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
above 1956-57 Drivers side door - no cracks or breaks Excellent fiberglass- gutted $450
1964-66 Coupe "power window"" doors complete with tinted glass - $750 each excellent calif doors no rust, complete power window regulators and glass and complete vent wing window assemblies. nice.!! Also a 1968-72 rear clip "Yellow one in photos"---firewall back
for sale- "Shown above " 1970-73 rear clip -Complete firewall back body - " Never hit " super nice untouched rear clip!! -- excellent!! $2, 1500 rust Free rockers -bottom and -excellent windshield frame !! more pix below
for sale- for more photos click gallery here: Gallery" "Shown above " 1970-73 rear clip -Complete firewall back body - "Never hit " super nice untouched rear clip!!
NEW:" NOTE: NEW PHONES: WEBSITE: UP 11 /01 /99 www.cranescorvette.comORDER LINE::::::::::::::::::::: PH: 800-5974132 cell---858-864-2883 :: FAX::::::::::::::::::::::: 858-514-8398 "NEW:" USED PARTS toll free: (858) 514-8388
click diagram: CALL FOR NEW AND USED
800-597-4132 1963-67 complete system-all new parts/housings/pivots/supports/etc-bolts,adjusters etc. with bezels- on sale $1,795 with rebuilt original motors. (headlight bulbs and capsule "not" included) on sale $1,945 with new motors. regular Retail $2,390 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $175 for headlight bulbs, cups and rings- 4-of each - complete set for 1 car.- headlight extension harness- pair 1963-67 - $62 pair ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1968-82 headlight assemblies -$375 each side. used. complete with vacuum cannisters. 1956-60 new assemblies reg. $600 sale $520 pair with lenses complete !! part # 01560 = 1965 fwd. lamp harness. ************************* RESTORED ACTUATORS WE'LL BE POSTING SYSTEMS UP -CHECK BACK THANKYOU,
components sold separately......call.......